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Professor Wang Linbing from the University of Georgia in the United States visited our university to hold an academic exchange meeting

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-06-18    Viewed:

On June 3, 2024, Professor Wang Linbing from the University of Georgia visited our institution for an academic exchange meeting. Academician Chen Xiangsheng, Dean of the School of Civil Engineering and Transportation Engineering and the Institute of Future Underground Cities at Shenzhen University, met with guests and chaired the meeting. Vice Dean Professor Bao Xiaohua, Professor Wang Shuying, Chief Information Engineer Professor Hu Mingwei, Chief Engineer Professor Fu Yanbin, Professor Ye Zhoujing from Beijing University of Science and Technology, and more than 20 deep master students attended the meeting on-site. More than 20 industry scholars participated online. This exchange meeting was held in Room 1007, Zhili Building, Yuehai Campus (South District).

Professor Wang Linbing first gave an academic report titled "Digital Twin Method for Material Design and Infrastructure Resilience".

The report starts with the basic concepts of digital twin technology and infrastructure resilience, introduces the implementation methods of multi-scale simulation, testing, digital hybrid design and other technologies for civil engineering materials, explores self-healing material technology, IoT sensing network technology, tunnel fire prevention and cooling material development, and shares the application of infrastructure management system architecture and mixed reality technology in underground pipe segment structure damage identification.

Academician Chen Xiangsheng warmly welcomed and sincerely thanked Professor Wang Linbing for his arrival, and shared the development history, current situation, and future plans of the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering and the Future Underground City Research Institute of Shenzhen University. He focused on the construction of high-level talent teams, disciplines, research platforms, and cutting-edge technology exploration in the college, and looked forward to strengthening linkage and scientific research, conducting multi-dimensional exchanges and cooperation, and promoting scientific and technological innovation and development in the future.

At the exchange meeting, the attendees had in-depth discussions with Professor Wang Linbing, exploring the application prospects of digital and intelligent technologies in the field of civil engineering, hoping to achieve more scientific research and technological breakthroughs in this field in the future.

Last:Professor Chen Haoyao from Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) Visits Our College Conduct academic exchange meetings

Next:Assistant Professor Wang Mingzhu from City University of Hong Kong and Assistant Professor Deng Min from Texas Institute of Technology in the United States visited our institution for academic exchange meetings


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