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Four of Our Scholars were Selected into the List of the World's Top 2% Scientists

Editor:余嘉惠    Release time:2021-03-18    Viewed:

Recently, Stanford University in the United States released a list of the world's top 2% scientists (World's Top 2% Scientists 2020). The top 2% scientists in the world were selected from nearly 7 million scientists. The ranking is divided into 22 fields and 176 sub-disciplines. The field includes a total of about 160,000 famous scientists from various fields. The list is divided into two lists: "Lifelong Science Influence Ranking" (1960-2019) and "2019 Science Influence Ranking".

Four scholars, including Academician Xie Heping, Professor Ren Weixin, Professor Li Qingquan, and Kou Shicong, were selected into the "Lifelong Science Impact Rankings", and many other scholars were selected into the "2019 Science Impact Rankings".

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