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The Party Congress of the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Shenzhen University, was successfully held

Editor:土木高级账号    Release time:2024-04-15    Viewed:

On April 12, 2024, the Party Congress of the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Shenzhen University was held in the A431 Lecture Hall of Zhi Gong Building, and a total of 94 official party representatives attended this meeting. The meeting elected delegates to the Sixth Congress of CPC Shenzhen University. The meeting was presided over by Zuo Yingzi, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College.

Before the meeting, all the delegates attended the preparatory meeting of the Party Congress of the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Shenzhen University. The meeting had five agendas. First, Comrade Zuo Yingzi made a report on the preparations for the Congress; second, the adoption of the report on the examination of qualifications of delegates (Comrade Chen Bixia made a report); third, the adoption of the list of the members of the Bureau of the Congress; fourth, the adoption of the list of the Secretary General of the General Assembly, the list of Deputy Secretary General; and fifth, the adoption of the agenda of the General Assembly.

The Party Congress is an important meeting held in the context of the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, is a major event in the political life of the CPC members and the general public in the College, the General Assembly will mobilize all members of the Party and the majority of teachers and students to further invigorate the spirit of solid work, and strive to achieve high-quality development of the College.

12:45, the Communist Party of China, Shenzhen University, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering Party Congress officially began, all the representatives of the party stood up and sang the national anthem, the scene is a solemn and dignified.

There are five agendas in this congress. The first is to read and pass the "Civil and Transportation Engineering College to attend the sixth CPC Shenzhen University Congress election methods"; second is to pass the list of supervisors, counting working group; third is the election of representatives to attend the sixth CPC Shenzhen University Congress; fourth is to watch the "sustained strength and depth of the advancement of the" video; fifth is to announce the list of elected representatives.

After the election vote, the General Assembly elected 10 representatives of the Party Committee of the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering to attend the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) of Shenzhen University, including 6 representatives of the faculty and 4 representatives of the students. The staff representatives are Zuo Yingzi, Bao Xiaohua, Zou Liang, Chen Xiangsheng, Chen Bixia, Zhou Haijun (in order of surname strokes); the student representatives are Deng Runjian, Ye Shuang, Du Wenqian, Xian Di (in order of surname strokes). Among the delegates, there are 5 female delegates, accounting for 50%; 5 leading cadres of middle level and above, accounting for 50%; 4 delegates of deputy high level and above, accounting for 40%; 2 delegates of high level talents, accounting for 20%; and 6 young and middle-aged delegates under the age of 45, accounting for 60%.

The 10 delegates elected by this congress are broadly representative of the party members of each branch who can closely contact the masses and have prestige, contribution and deliberative ability.

This congress is an important meeting for the in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th Party Congress, which is of great significance for promoting the overall strict governance of the Party, accelerating the construction of first-class disciplines in the college, realizing the "14th Five-Year Plan", and pushing forward the high-quality development of the college. All the representatives of the Party members will continue to play a pioneering and exemplary role in contributing to the creation of Shenzhen University as a world-class comprehensive university and a benchmark university of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

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